Output Sass Variables Directly To Page

By interpolating the Sass variable into the content property on html:before, we are able to see the variable on the page, without the need for additional markup.

We can also grab the variable type. By using the Sass function type-of(), we are able to check for the variable type, and then interpolate it into the pseudo element along side the variable. For this example we have a string of SVG code.

output Sass variable

Without using both html:before & html:after we can separate these two items to make it more readable by using \A.

output Sass variable with newline

Since we can create horizontal bars with gradients, we can create 2 distinct sections, one for the variable type, and the other for the value.

output Sass variable with newline and gradient background


@mixin output($val, $z: 10000) {
	$type: null;
	@if (type-of($val) == string) {
		$type: 'string';
	@else if (type-of($val) == number) {
		$type: 'number';
	@else if (type-of($val) == bool) {
		$type: 'bool';
	@else if (type-of($val) == color) {
		$type: 'color';
	@at-root {
		html {
			&:after {
				background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #d800ff 0, #d800ff 45px, #ed71ef 30px);
				bottom: 0;
				box-sizing: border-box;
				color: #222;
				content: '(#{$type})\A\A\A#{$val}';
				font: bold 15px/15px monospace;
				left: 0;
				padding: 15px;
				position: fixed;
				white-space: pre-wrap;
				width: 100%;
				z-index: $z;


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